Dynamic Bible Studies

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Romans

Scholars and students alike have hailed the book of Romans as one of the greatest single literary works of all time. When you consider that it is also the Word of God, it makes the study of his remarkable book all the more valuable for help in day-to-day living.

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in James

Believers all over the world love the book of James. They love the practical guidance it provides for the real-life issues they face every day. This study gives a great foundation for victorious living, teaching you how to

  • develop a dynamic and enduring faith;
  • learn to evaluate all things based on God's perspective;
  • live a successful and godly life;
  • store up true riches; and
  • make a difference in our world.

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Galatians

Is your faith dry and lifeless? Are you fed up with trying to draw closer to God by following a certain set of rules established by somebody else? Do you long for grace and freedom in Christ? Do you long to know what that looks like and how to attain it? If so, then you need a heavy dose of the book of Galatians.

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Hebrews For those of us coming to faith in Jesus Christ from a gentile background, the book of Hebrews can present unique challenges to our understanding. Yet this rich, mysterious book holds many treasures for those willing to dig down deep. In this Bible study, author Fred Scheeren leads the way as we uncover:
  • How Jesus Christ fulfilled Old Testament law and prophecies about the coming Messiah
  • How all of the Old Testament from the earliest sacrifices to the tabernacle in the wilderness, and beyond points to Jesus as the Messiah
  • The role of Jesus as our great High Priest, who still ministers on our behalf
  • How faith and obedience work together in the life of the believer
  • The differences between the old covenant and the new covenant
If you long to understand more about how to live a life of faith that pleases God, then dive into this study and get ready for another life-changing experience with God's Word.

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Revelation

A multitude of questions haunt men and women as they contemplate this mysterious book. They often ask:

  • Are we living in the end times?
  • How will the world end?
  • Will we be ready?
  • How shall we then live?

However, this need not be such a mystery. Fred Scheeren guides us through the book of Revelation by relating it to the whole of Scripture to answer these life altering questions. Dive into this exciting study for a life changing experience you will never forget.

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in John

Two thousand years ago a man named John recorded an eyewitness account of the life, death, and resurrection of the man who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah.

What he wrote was so amazingly designed that some have said A child can wade in it and an elephant can bathe in it.

John attempts to answer the most important question we must all face, whether we realize it or not. That is, Who is Jesus Christ, and having gained that knowledge, what will you do about it?

Fred Scheeren guides us through the book of John by relating it to the whole of Scripture to answer this life-altering question. Dive into this exciting study for another life-changing encounter with the Word of God.

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Ephesians

Welcome to an enjoyable and life-impacting study of a letter written by one of the most intelligent and educated men in history. This man's life was changed from that of a religious zealot to one of the most dedicated followers of the Jewish Messiah. The letter itself is part of our Bible and is known as the book of Ephesians.

This particular portion of Scripture has proven to be remarkable in its power over the ages. Here we find:

  • Details of the privileges enjoyed by followers of Jesus Christ.
  • Secrets of unity and relationships
  • God's formula for victorious living.

Fred Scheeren guides us through the book of Ephesians by relating it to the whole of scripture to help us fully realize the power of God's Word and incorporate it into our lives. Dive into this exciting study for another life-changing encounter with the Word of God.

Gordon Haresign, an internationally known author, professor, speaker, and member of the board of directors of Scripture Union, has said, "These are among the finest, if not the finest, inductive Bible studies available today. I strongly endorse them" about the Dynamic Bible Studies series produced by Scheeren.

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Philippians

If you had the chance to read a letter from perhaps the most educated, intelligent, and well-read man of his time, would you do it? If that man were imprisoned, in daily danger of execution, and wanted to impart what he has learned to those he cared about, would it not be of great interest to any thinking person? And would not this be especially true if he were inspired by God himself in the construction of the letter?

That is exactly what we have in the book of Philippians. Written by the man known as the apostle Paul, we see important truths he has to impart about:

  • Living a life that matters regardless of one's circumstances.
  • Experiencing joy in one's life even when under great pressure.
  • The privileges of Roman citizenship compared to citizenship in heaven.
  • Enjoying a healthy thought life and inner peace.

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Colossians & Philemon

In the first century A.D. one of the most well-read, articulate, intelligent, and highly educated men of the time was imprisoned by the emperor Nero for his faith. While he was in daily danger of death, he took the time write a number of letters to his good friends that have stood the test of time. Two of these letters are now part of what we call the Bible and are known as Colossians and Philemon.

Dive into these letters to study and learn about:

  • The nature of true faith and hope.
  • How one's life can be improved by applying the ancient truths of Scripture.
  • The observable and objective nature of God.
  • Philosophy and how a proper understanding of it can enhance one's life.

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in First and Second Peter

Here we have the opportunity to examine two books of the Bible known as First and Second Peter. They are named after their author, arguably the most famous and well-known disciple of Jesus of Nazareth, also known as the Jewish Messiah or Jesus Christ.

Peter's unique position enabled him to produce these two books containing hard-hitting truths that apply to every human being seeking to live a fulfilled life. In the pages of his letters, which are now referred to as books of the Bible, we learn the following:

  1. Vital truths about God's promises to all people
  2. How a person can prepare for a life of positive action
  3. How to implement God's standards for happiness and success in all areas of one's life
  4. Tried-and-true methods to turn the trials and adversity of life into victory
  5. How to avoid error as we strive for excellence

Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Timothy and Titus

What would the most intelligent, highly-educated, well-read, man of the first century AD say to his best friend and trusted companions when he knew he was about to be executed? This is a good question and one that we find answered as we examine the books of the Bible that have come to be known as First and Second Timothy and Titus. Here we find valuable insight that applies to our lives today including:

  • How to survive and prosper in the most dire of circumstances.
  • The most important knowledge that one can pass on to friends.
  • The characteristics one needs to incorporate in their life for success in life.

    We all need to sit up and take notice.
    So dive into this study of some of the most influential and practical letters ever written for an uplifting and inspiring experience.

  • Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Thessalonians

    The believers in Thessalonica had a problem. In fact, they had several problems. They were under attack by not only state and local authorities, but by pretenders to the faith who were out to subvert and control them. The two letters written to them embody key truths repeated many times in many ways to aid them in the fight for their faith. The three main points put forth in amazingly helpful detail covered:

    1. The truth and authority of the Scriptures.
    2. The certainty of eternal life they had attained.
    3. The victory they now had in their lives and how to best live it out.

    We can easily see why these books are so relevant today as those who have trusted Jesus Christ face the same challenges faced by the Thessalonians.

    Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Acts

    In Acts we see the harrowing exploits of Peter and Paul. The book itself was penned by a Gentile physician by the name of Luke. It is of interest to note that Paul and Luke, two of the most articulate, intelligent and highly educated men of their time, together account for 60% of the New Testament.

    In these pages we clearly see the coming and indwelling of the Holy Spirt as well as the explosive power and influence of the Gospel.

    Book Cover for Dynamic Studies in Acts

    This short series deals with a number of what are known as the New Testament Epistles. In particular we will begin with the three Epistles of John. John, a disciple of Jesus Christ, was one of the original twelve apostles, and on a personal level, is thought to be the person Jesus knew best. He is the author of no fewer than five books of the New Testament. This amounts to 8.3% of the New and Old Testaments combined and 20% of the books of the New Testament. The books he authored include, The Gospel of John, The First Letter of John, the Second Letter of John, the Third Letter of John, and the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

    Jude deals with a time that is called the Apostia, the great falling away. During this time many will refuse to listen to sound doctrine and be attracted to false teachers and heresies referenced in 2 Peter 2:1 and 2 Peter 3:3. Every believer should study Jude to understand the tactics of our enemy and stand against them.